About us:

The Quiet Corner Camera Club was founded in 1969 by Charlie Sanborn and serves the NorthEastern "Quiet" Corner of Connecticut, though we happily invite anyone who would like to join; no matter where you live. We are on Facebook

Joining us:

All are welcome. your level of expertise is not important, nor is the kind of equipment you use, or your area of interest. Come to get ideas, feedback, assistance and encouragement.

Current Membership fees are

Standard $30.00 Family $40.00 Student $10.00 Senior (75+) $5.00

If you are interested in joining, feel free to attend a meeting to check us out, or submit an application

Club Officers:

Co-Presidents: Celeste Estevez

                         Christine Acebo

Vice-President: John DeWolf

Secretary: Drew Hyatt qcccsecdrew@gmail.com

Treasurer: Joanne Sibicky jsibicky@hotmail.com

WebMaster: Mike Adams QCCCWeb@gmail.com

NECCC Competitions: Les Krieke electronic; Joanne Sibicky print


In person meetings are usually at the Mansfield Senior Center in Storrs. These will typically alternate with a Zoom meeting.  See the Club Activities page for details.

Our normal meeting dates are the first and third Tuesday of each month, with a summer break. The program starts at 6:30 p.m. when meeting at the Mansfield Senior center, and 7:00 for Zoom meetings. Many arrive early to allow for socializing.

Next meeting: Our first meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at the Mansfield Senior Center

The meeting will begin at 6:30 but you can come a little earlier to socialize and catch up with other members.


The Challenge for the meeting is “Your Favorite Photo(s) from the Summer.”  We will have a slideshow at the meeting.

Please send up to 3 images  by Mon., Sept. 18 to Christine:



Remember that our group has a Members’ Exhibit at the Vanilla Bean Cafe in Pomfret for the entire month of September.  We put up the show this week and it looks very nice. For those of you who might not know, the Vanilla Bean has great food and a totally charming atmosphere.  Take a drive through the Quiet Corner, maybe have a bite to eat, and see your fellow members’ work!